Solihten Announces 2024 Annual Conference (our 40th!) More View All News

Our Centers save thousands of business hours by gaining the trusted relationships and vetted resources needed to advance the best clinical practices.

Contact Membership Coordinator: Email or call (303) 691-0144 ext. 16 today to start the conversation.

Solihten Institute membership is a singular conduit to a nationally accredited integrated provider network. In joining resources and working as one, counseling Centers have an immediate on-ramp to rigorous accreditation, researched consultation, shared operational resources, crisis management, and invaluable networking.


Partnership in Mission

  • Solihten Institute’s historic ministry and professional stewardship have helped interfaith Centers across the country navigate managed care, engage healthcare reform, expand pastoral counseling, establish endowments, and diversify services overall, including affordable, HIPAA-compliant Teletherapy offerings.
  • Our nationwide community of clergy, mental health professionals, and physicians helps under-served areas and specialized groups connect with one of the most effective paths to wholeness: integrated healing.
  • Congregations of more than 40 denominations and faith groups support the Solihten ministry in their communities. Our collective mission alignment and faith-based counseling expertise is unequaled.
  • Solihten Institute’s Clergy and Congregation Care (CCC) program helps Centers nationwide serve clergy, congregations, and judicatories.


Organizational Viability

  • Solihten Institute’s expertise in research, documentation, and communication of successful organizational patterns and management procedures dates back to 1972.
  • National accreditation maintains Centers’ professional credibility and organizational stability, with reviews scheduled every four years. Centers also have the option of meeting key criteria to pursue a nationally-recognized behavioral health accreditation.
  • Solihten Institute staff assign a primary liaison to each Center to provide routine guidance and rapid consultation during times of crisis or extreme transition.


Education and Training

  • Admission to Solihten Institute’s Annual Conference in Denver, Colorado to learn, share, and network alongside Center executives, program leaders, board presidents, and subject matter experts.
  • Director Orientation to navigate available membership assets as well as dedicated Center liaisons to shepherd long-term guidance.
  • Professional Peer Groups coordinated by the Institute are targeted to the specific needs of Executive Directors, Clinical Directors, Training Directors, and Marketing/Development Staff.
  • Leadership direction provided for retreats, workshops, and issue-focused consultations for multiple or individual Centers.


Management Consultation and Resources

  • On-site, in-person consultative visits every year.
  • Center information featured on Solihten Institute’s website via the Find A Center page – to include office locations, contact information, and services offered. Center Position Openings are also publicized on the website to assist with HR efforts.
  • An Annual Statistical Report that provides invaluable comparatives in Center hours, average collected fees, salary averages, budget information, etc.
  • Access to over 40 years of counseling expertise through an easily retrievable and adaptable Member Resource Library:
    1. Management Materials to guide Center identity, board formation, staff structuring, financial and growth planning, fundraising, and more.
    2. Clinical Services support to inform decision-making around policies, procedures, forms, etc.
    3. Personnel Resources that cover all aspects of people management: position descriptions, compensation models, employment forms, government regulations, and performance reviews. A sample adaptable Employee Handbook is also included.
    4. Marketing Templates that range from taggable radio spots and billboards to brochures, Facebook ads, and more.
    5. New Center Resources for step-by-step guidance to a successful Solihten Center startup.
    6. Fundraising for New Agencies written by Institute co-founder R. J. Ross explores funding sources for start-up, operations, and longer-term options such as endowments. Fundraising plans and guidelines for grant proposal writing are outlined in the appendices.
    7. Ethics in Business Awards programming, which details how to run an awards banquet that celebrates local youth, business leaders and organizations that exemplify ethical leadership.
    8. Clergy and Congregation Care Resources for starting or strengthening a CCC program in your local Center.


A group of young adults sitting at a table smiling and talking over coffee

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